Thursday 30 March 2017


​ Inadvertently I am the one who enjoys reading romance more than any genre for that matter when it comes to reading. However, The Girl of My Dreams is a thriller with love and obsession as a central theme.

The story revolves around the protagonist’s  Daman, fortunately, recovers from the coma but wakes up to the horrible dream of the accident every single morning. All he could remember is a blurry face, her hypnotic stare, and her name.

Struggling with all the dreams, Daman starts piecing together the story of himself and Shreyasi into a blog that gains a lot of popularity. Eventually, he gets a great publishing deal that he couldn’t deny.
Daman, an aspiring writer is obsessive about his muse Shreyasi. He writes about her and his readers love him. It’s about time he wrote a full-fledged book of his own especially since he has left his job to pursue writing. He is happily committed to Avni, a banker who is a charming young lady and loves his back equally. A dream haunts Daman consistently; a dream in which he is sitting with Shreyasi in a car. Every time, their car meets an accidents and Shreyasi dies. Anyhow, he manages to push his book to a famous editor who brutally edits out the character of Shreyasi. This is when Shreyasi surges up in Daman’s life. Is she real? If yes, where has she been? What does she want from him now? The understandings and misunderstandings, the clash of egos, another romance on the side suddenly turn up to complicate matters whip things up and make it more interesting!

 I would like to dislocate my share of earful on the story here without further sharing any more details, and trying not to spoil the reader’s eagerness and allowing them to savor the original narration or compelling expression by the writer himself by reading the book itself. Indeed the climax was quite interesting with twists and turns as they unfold. For that, you need to read this book.

Now my Positive viewpoints:

The positives of the story are the characters easily identifiable. Even though the narration is again easy to read and allows us to easily go through the entire story, the seriousness or the individuality of the bigger causes in the book gets lost.

Some suggestive points:

Although the narration of the story is good but in my opinion, the explicit descriptions went over the top. In his previous books, the author has really emerged out as a better writer and I was quite happy with the maturity he handled the characters and emotions. However, I was not convinced by several actions of the characters in the book. At times, it felt that they were manipulated to satisfy what author has in his mind. This brings me to another major issue with the book. I simply could not connect with any character. They are plain and monotonous characters who don’t have a life.

Final words:

Overall if asked I would say this is not a fair job done by the author, the book has got extremely little to offer in that overstretched context. It has his signature explicit descriptions of the intimate moments and a couple of courses in Hindi (which is also a trademark of the author), which were both not required. Overall I would say...this is not a good job done by Author (Durjoy Datta) … I would give 2.5 stars to this book.

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