Friday 18 October 2013

Book Review-‘Chakra: Chronicles of the Witch Way ’ by Ritu Lalit

Book Review-‘Chakra: Chronicles of the Witch Way’ by Ritu Lalit 


The story is about Japas who are in a race for power so secretive that their existence becomes as dismissed as a parable. This story revolves around our mythology era. Even first few pages would give you the feel as if you are reading a mythological drama where the men and women, possess special physical abilities beyond belief, playing with elements, with the power to curse and cure. They exist among us, mingle with us, ride our metros, visit our malls, and even go to the same schools and colleges as us. This is the perfect story with many flavors in it and some extra-ordinary events and also some unusual twist and turns.

Parineeta Mohan is a powerful Japni who has turned her back on The Witch Way. She has even brought up her niece and nephew as ordinary people, unaware of their heritage. Their life changes when the kids disappear along with their cousin Roma.

A shocked and desperate Parineeta has to find them before enemies of her family do. Moreover she has no one to turn to but Jorawar, a man she is attracted to but can’t trust since he belongs to the ominous association named ‘Pax’. The only way she can fight, win and survive is to embrace her heritage and get back to her witch power.

As the story moves ahead, at times you will feel that you are in mythological world, then it is completely different an era of 2050, then with another turn in story you will find yourself in today's world, sometimes you will find yourself encircled with magical powers while at times you will visualize unimaginable things happening in a page yet for others it might be just a page of book, however for you it will be a completely different world of an unusual tale.

Now my Positive viewpoints:

The concept and climax is good, on each and every page, every twist and turn in the story is captivating. The authoress has narrated the story so well that you want to keep reading to know what is there in the next page and which twist will be the next.

Some suggestive points:

Overall the book is really good and very well expressed. The only drawback of the book is the thickness of book, but then the power with which authoress has narrated the story cannot be written in an abridged version. 

Final words:

Overall if asked I would say...this is a commendable work done by Authoress… (Ritu Lalit) I would give 4.5 stars to this book.
