Sunday 1 November 2015

Definition of ‘Beautiful’

The parameter of a beauty has changed today...
For many today’s beauty is the physical state...,
Today size zero is been called a beautiful girl...
Only a girl with zero figure can wear anything...,
Can anyone tell me..., since when did the word beautiful??
Has got anything to do with being a size two...,
Can anyone tell me..., since when did the word beautiful??
Has got anything to do with the clothes one wear...,
Can anyone tell me..., since when did the word beautiful??
Has got anything to do with how one applies makeup...,
I can’t find a one reason, can anyone tell me why??
For me being beautiful is how one treats others...,
For me being beautiful is the smile you share with others...,
For me being beautiful is how you listen instead of hear...,
If only people can take a minute to look past themselves...,
 Past the surface because that is simply a upper mask...,
It’s not a very hard to task you see because someone’s...,
 Real beauty will shine through if you give it one chance...,
I believe that someone’s outer beauty is only a reflection...,
What’s comes from the inside is beauty so please don’t hide...

